Companiile din Republica Moldova Спавочник Молдавских предприятий

Office Moldova

Office- is the only recruitment and head hunting agency in Moldova which provides a finite set of solutions in human resources. By contacting our company, you're assured of receiving in return a specialist which feat exactly your requirements.

Basic Recruitment, Mass Recruitment, IT Recruitment, Executive Search, Direct Search, Staff Leasing, CV packages, Carrier Counseling

Datele de contact:

Telefon: 022 222 336
Mobil: 078 11 88 96

Domeniile de activitate Office Moldova:

Servicii/Consultanta > Consultanta > Consultanta resurse umane

Servicii/Consultanta > Servicii diverse > Recrutare si Plasare Personal

Office Moldova activeaza in Chisinau




29.01.2023, 9.00
NNW 6 m/s vt
751,6 mm Hg pr.  79% um.

EUR 19.4941
USD 18.6797
RON 3.9167
RUB 0.2117
GBP 23.5493
UAH 0.4486
BGN 9.9676
TRY 0.5129

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